Josefina Rocha Vega is a visual artist from Watsonville, California. She is an interdisciplinary artist, however her passion lies in oil painting. Her work is based on the idea of compassion for others and takes an interest in themes that depict her fascination with the intangible complexities of people, such as vulnerability, honesty, wonder, intimacy, empathy, kindness and ultimately connection. She strives to weave these concepts by portraying them as an act of giving through her art practice. 

Josefina is obtaining her BFA degree in Fine Arts with a concentration in Oil Painting at California State University, East Bay. She is a first-generation Latina who will be part of the graduating class of 2021 come May. 


It is through intention, action, and consequence that we learn how to grow as individuals. There was a long period of time where I was asking myself constantly -- “what would people like to see?”. This happened frequently that I found myself to be blinded by the expectations I put upon myself; I cared too much about what others would think in regards to what I put out into the world. Materialistically, that would be my art. But I neglected what I truly wanted to share in the first place: my intentions, my vulnerabilities, compassion, and my true self. 

It is through differentiating mediums that I explored self-identity, layers of self complexities, acceptance and acknowledgement of the past, frustration turned to inspiration, and above anything else, growth. It is by experiencing a lack of motivation to create what was once my “ideal show that everyone will definitely enjoy” that I realized I was not doing this for myself, but for an audience that I had made up in my mind who would hopefully react in a positive manner to what I was creating. 

With that past goal having now dissipated, my main objective with these pieces is to show forth works that depict the time, effort, emotions and a series of reflections that brought about self-realizations. 

It is with these that I express my true self. 

Josefina Rocha Vega_Artist Photo.jpg
Josefina Rocha Vega_Flyer.jpg

Virtual Flyer & Guest Book

“Botanically Speaking”, Watercolor & Acrylics, 14.75”x 22”, 2021

“Botanically Speaking”, Watercolor & Acrylics, 14.75”x 22”, 2021

“Botanically Speaking”, Watercolor & Acrylics, 14.75”x 22”, 2021(IN PROCESS)

“Botanically Speaking”, Watercolor & Acrylics, 14.75”x 22”, 2021(IN PROCESS)

“Botanically Speaking”, Watercolor & Acrylics, 14.75”x 22”, 2021(DETAIL)

“Botanically Speaking”, Watercolor & Acrylics, 14.75”x 22”, 2021(DETAIL)

“Essence”, Watercolor, Graphite Pencil, Ink Pen, 13.75” x 16.5”, 2021

“Essence”, Watercolor, Graphite Pencil, Ink Pen, 13.75” x 16.5”, 2021

“Escape”, Oil Paint, 16.5” x 24”, 2021

“Escape”, Oil Paint, 16.5” x 24”, 2021

“Dancheong”, Acrylic & Oil Paint, 18” x 24”, 2021

“Dancheong”, Acrylic & Oil Paint, 18” x 24”, 2021

“Dancheong”, Acrylic & Oil Paint, 18” x 24”, 2021(DETAIL)

“Dancheong”, Acrylic & Oil Paint, 18” x 24”, 2021(DETAIL)

“Heart Armor (Soft Sculpture)”, Fabric, Fleece, Stuffing, Poster Paper, Thread, Hot Glue, Wire, 2021

“Heart Armor (Soft Sculpture)”, Fabric, Fleece, Stuffing, Poster Paper, Thread, Hot Glue, Wire, 2021

Description (for Heart Armor): 

During this time in the pandemic, there has been an evident rise in negativism, not only through societal means, but also through our own mental health. At times it can be difficult when all you see in the news are constant waves of bad happenings, which adds to everyday worries. Numerous individuals are worried and going through the consequences that this pandemic has given us. 

The Heart Armor softens the blow to the heart from external "negative forces/energies" and symbolizes a flourishing reminder that despite this distressing time, we can still inspire, be kind and compassionate and share it with others. It is a way to empathise with others instead of assuming they're okay; we listen to them and wish them well. 

The buds of the flowers are made of stuffed fleece that has been woven together and the petals have been cut out from a Van Gogh poster due to the fact that showing kindness and compassion can manifest in many shapes and forms. It is truly an art form in itself, with several ways to express it.

Armor is usually made of strong metals, but in this case, it is made of soft fabric. This does provide more "chance" of getting hurt, but in this scenario, it is meant to be soft. We cannot fully protect ourselves from external negativity. Sometimes it's necessary to get hurt in order to reflect, learn, and grow. The intention of the armor is to serve as a reminder that even though you may get hurt, you can do something with what’s learned and continue to show forth compassion and empathy. You never know what someone is going through, they may not have a Heart Armor themselves, but regardless, keep on spreading that kindness. It may make all the difference to them and to yourself.

“Heart Armor (Soft Sculpture)”, Fabric, Fleece, Stuffing, Poster Paper, Thread, Hot Glue, Wire, 2021(SIDE VIEW)

“Heart Armor (Soft Sculpture)”, Fabric, Fleece, Stuffing, Poster Paper, Thread, Hot Glue, Wire, 2021(SIDE VIEW)

Heart Armor (Soft Sculpture), Fabric, Fleece, Stuffing, Poster Paper, Thread, Hot Glue, Wire, 2021(BACK VIEW)

Heart Armor (Soft Sculpture), Fabric, Fleece, Stuffing, Poster Paper, Thread, Hot Glue, Wire, 2021(BACK VIEW)


Rudie Byrd