Expressed Sentiments


Yasmin Garcia, born and raised in Santa Ana, California is a visual artist that likes to create visual and hands-on art. Her inspiration comes from the beauty she finds in her surroundings, which includes but is not limited to, real life objects, portraits and surrealism. It consists of a lot of curiosity and not being afraid to take a risk with her art. She has found it to be the best form of self expression where she can channel her energy and emotions. Yasmin has been featured in the OC newspaper for Saddleback High school students becoming their own art in 2015, participated in the art inspiration at the Bowers Museum in 2016, and will be in a virtual gallery show in CSU East Bay, spring 2021. Her goal is to spread as much art around the world including exhibitions and bring happiness to others.


The city of Santa Ana, is filled with a variety of art styles, around large buildings filled with murals and street festivals . Those were the prime times of my life because I will always remember that feeling of admiration. It gave me the passion of creating art in any free time I had growing up. Because of these admirations, I try to duplicate them into my interpretations while putting attention to details. Overall I tend to focus my skills from realistic materials from everyday life to a twist of surrealism.

 In my series, Expressed Sentiments, is a body of work that involves emotions being conveyed through portrait, human gestures and surrealism.  My inspiration for this series came partially from how I personally feel on the inside. I want my body of work to demonstrate how I feel whenever I am : loved, angry/anxious, happy, excited, overwhelmed, empty, jealous, sleep deprived, and curious. This series required a lot of planning and thinking on how I wanted to portray these emotions especially when approaching different media such as oil painting, ceramics and acrylic gouache. The main technique that is most important is the definition to detail as I try to bring my vision to life.

The reaction that I want from audiences is a sense of understanding. As someone who is experiencing these emotions a lot through college, I hope that others may feel the same and enjoy the work of art.

With my main concentration of oil painting, during these past five years of college, I also gained new inspirations through ceramics, printmaking, and gouache. And in hopes of learning these new to me art mediums I hope to bring in a variety of concepts and turn them into objects that can be useful for everyday life while providing visual items it can be admired for.

“Anger/Anxious”, Oil Paint, 20” x 24”, 2021

“Anger/Anxious”, Oil Paint, 20” x 24”, 2021


Malik Lawson


Barbara Salazar