Charles Hong

Major: Fine Arts Practice, BFA

 My artwork aims to present the unseen beauty in everyday life. As time quickly passes, it’s often easy for us to lose sight of some things, no matter how ubiquitous they are. I believe that with the onset of environmental issues such as climate change, and fast paced, hectic life today, it is more important than ever to encourage the preservation of our ways of life using realistic or romanticized visual depictions. In work such as landscape paintings, I may push the atmospheric perspective or contrast between hues to emphasize the grandeur of a particular aspect of the scenery.

The materials I use largely involve fast drying products such as acrylic because I want to quickly layer paint onto the canvas and allow little opportunity for adjustments. I find that the fleeting nature of such mediums forces me to be more authentic about the subject matter.


Park at sunset, Procreate, 1920 x 1083, 2020

Untitled, Procreate, 1920 x 1083, 2020

Untitled, Procreate, 1920 x 1083, 2020

Untitled, Procreate, 1920 x 1083, 2020

Personal Website: charleshong.art

Artists Instagram: @charleshongart

Contact: charleshong11@gmail.com


Pia Cisneros


Catherine Jae Ignacio