32 Degrees

Will Howard

Degree: BA, Photography

I use photography to capture moments that happen fast. To try to freeze something that most people might overlook or just glance at. That’s why, to me, action sports photography is so awesome. Being able to capture the action and show the expressions people have when they’re in the zone and performing a trick. What interests me the most is snowboarding and ski photography. To me the snow is special because there are days where it’s a challenge to go up the road to the mountain. Despite that fact you’ll still see people driving through terrible weather and unsafe driving conditions to get up there. Everyone is just there to have a good time so everyone is friendly as well. I love to capture the moments where they don’t look like they’re in control, where it looks like they’re just along for the ride 20ft up in the air. The way their bodies twist and move in the air is especially impressive. I also love the style of clothes that people wear as well as the art work on the base of snowboards and skis. Everything is so vibrant and colorful it makes for very interesting photographs when you combine everything together. Through this show I wanted to capture the unique style everyone has as well as the physical action the riders go through.


I was born in San Jose, California and I’m currently residing in Hayward, California for school. I was originally interested in film production but switched to photography in 2013. I’ve been working with f8 Real Estate Media as a photographer during the summer. In the winter I work with Vail Resorts as a Shop Tech tuning and repairing snowboards and skis. I enjoy all things outdoors and action sports but snowboarding is one of the most exciting things I’ve done. I make day trips to Tahoe every weekend during the winter to try to hone my skills at snowboard and ski photography. I started snowboarding in 2010 and fell in love with it instantly but just recently decided to pursue a career involving snow. Ever since I was little I’ve always been the person in my friend group that was either recording the action or getting pictures of the action. I love to capture the images that look impossible, where the person looks like they’re defying gravity. My biggest goal is to land a job as a photographer with Vail in Colorado after I graduate.


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Emilie Portesi