Be Still

Gabriela Sevilla

Degree: Fine Arts Practice, BFA

This body of work shows small glimpses of my backyard. As a kid I used to help my mother tend to her plants. As time passed there were times where I laid on the grass and let my mind dwell on passages from the bible. In the greenery of my backyard I’ve felt less distracted by the stressors of life, it is where I’ve sought for God. Plants and nature are important to me because as insignificant as they may seem they bring me joy. There’s a verse in the bible that speaks about looking at the birds and how they don’t work for shelter nor food, yet the Father provides for them (Matthew 6:26). Just like the birds, I know He provides for me and continues to provide no matter the situation. Some of the works you see are places I’ve stood by in prayer seeking for guidance and encouragement. They are like prayer holders to me.

For this series I decided to use different mediums, gouache, bronze, oil paint, and clay. I mostly gravitate toward painting but sometimes I need a break and like to work with my hands (clay). I use a variety of colors but in my color palette blues are more dominant. During the making of this series I saw myself playing and experimenting with different colors, textures, and materials to create compositions of plants.


Gabriela Sevilla currently studies at California State University, East Bay. Will receive BFA in Fine Arts Practice in Painting Spring of 2020. Graduated from Chabot college 2017 with an AA-T in Art Studio.


Instagram: @gabsville87

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Mavi Taway


Lu Zhen